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A FREE, online business training program helping women to start or grow their own business.

As of November 2023:
2 million+ hours of training provided 
- 155,000 women enrolled
- 172 countries engaged
- 130+ global p

Freeport-McMoRan partners with Discovery Education

FREE student, teacher and family resources.

In the News view all


Sierrita Solves Stinging Problem by Relocating Beehive from Fallen Saguaro The cactus was a fixture on the West Desert Trails on company land open to the public for recreation.


Freeport Named One of America's 100 Most JUST Companies for Fifth Time The annual rankings assess the largest U.S. corporations based on what is viewed as the most important business behaviors.


Freeport-McMoRan Foundation Awards $3 Million in Community and Social Investment Funds The funds supported 55 projects in Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, New Mexico and Texas.


Henderson Trees Prove Vital to Colorado River Restoration Project Vegetation cleared for fire prevention around the mill was repurposed to aid channel stabilization and to enhance aquatic habitats.


Company's Work to Restore Arizona River Flow Honored with Award The Arizona Mining Association recognized Freeport-McMoRan's removal of a century-old water diversion dam that helped restore flow of the Verde River in central Arizona.


  • Freeport-McMoRan named one of the
    100 Best Corporate Citizens in the U.S.

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